“Vere iss Varrington?”

I live in an area where the solution to traffic flow problems is seen as reducing the number of possible lanes at junctions with white paint, wasting vast sums of money on electronic signs that warn that it is raining and furnishing virtually every junction with copious sets of traffic lights: Warrington. The result is easy to imagine, but apart from this lunacy I find that is often impossible to see the state of the lights without contorting ones neck sideways and upwards when at the front of the traffic light queue. Small eye level repeaters, which appear on the continent, would be most useful and also significantly reduce the amount of junction clutter. Is there any reason why they are not used in the UK?

Asked on 20 March 2010 by M.L., Warrington

Answered by Honest John
Blame the traffic light lobby on government. Why do you think virtually
every slip road now has completely useless 'ramp metering’ traffic lights? See which former ministers get appointed to the boards of the traffic system manufacturers when they get kicked out of government.
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