Lane strain

Is there some reason apart from simple stupidity that causes a significant minority of British motorists to hog the middle and outer lanes of the three lanes generally available on, for example the M6? Bunched together, they roar along only feet from the cars in front of them, leaving the inner lane to vehicles travelling as fast in many cases, and well spaced out. Between the northern end of the M6 and Birmingham, we will have "undertaken" at least sixty vehicles in the middle lane, which were going far slower than the 70 mph limit. Contrary to popular belief, it is NOT a traffic offence in the UK to pass a vehicle on its left on a motorway in the UK, provided one does so with due care and attention, and one is not weaving between the inner lane and the far outer lane, in doing so. There are traffic police out there who need reminding of this. The alternative would be to move all the way from the inner lane to the outer lane to pass these bozos. Surely far more dangerous a manoeuvre than staying in the lane you are in, and accelerating past the road hogs in the middle lane. It should be a traffic offence to sit in the middle lane unless you are actively overtaking a vehicle in front of you in the inner lane, from which you have moved out, or you are allowing for merging traffic from a joining slip road.

Asked on 18 April 2009 by

Answered by Honest John
I have been covering all you write and advocating all you suggest for 15 years. Quite right. No reason not to pass on the nearside. Far more dangerous to cut across two lanes to pass, and then return through two lanes. What members of the Centre Lane Owners Group do not realise is that their selfish stupidity actually causes crashes through brake light bunching several miles behind them.
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