If my windscreen repair fails an MoT can I claim for a new windscreen?

I am having a chip in my windscreen repaired via my insurance company and am paying £25 excess. Their approved repairer has said that there may still be a visible mark and they can’t guarantee it will pass the next MoT in 6 months time.

So should it fail can I claim a new windscreen from my insurance company?

Asked on 11 August 2023 by francis gait

Answered by David Ross
We would expect the terms and conditions of your windscreen cover to explain how repairs or replacements are decided, but there is an argument that a repair that does not pass an MOT is not an adequate repair.

It may be that you can pay the small excess and have the repair, and if it fails the MoT you can than claim again, but your policy may have a clause limiting the amount of windscreen claims or requiring a larger excess. If you are unsure we would suggest contacting your insurers directly on this matter.
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