How do I renew my driving licence without a passport?

My driving licence is due for renewal this June. I cannot apply for a renewal online because I do not have a passport. My questions are: Do the DVLA send a timely reminder out about this? Can I renew before I receive a reminder? If the licence is delayed after the renewal date due to the DVLA taking their time, can I still drive without it having been returned?

Asked on 10 January 2024 by Stephen Fletcher

Answered by David Ross
The DVLA will send you a reminder about the expiration of your driving licence, but you can apply earlier to renew your licence. If you do not have a passport you will have to renew your licence either by post or by using a Post Office using form D1. If you use this method you will need to submit your current photocard licence but you can continue to drive, as long as you are not over 70 years of age, are renewing a bus or lorry licence or are renewing on medical grounds.
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