Why are there continuing arguments about lane discipline on motorways?

I refer to the letters in Motoring Lifestyle on Sunday 31 October regarding middle lane driving. Surely your reply misses the point that whatever one’s opinion of the speed limit, it is 70 mph and that is the law. The third (outside) lane may also be used for overtaking so, despite the wording of the Highway Code, why this continuing argument over who drives in the inner and middle lanes?

Asked on 2 November 2010 by JT, Bristol

Answered by Honest John
Most car speedometers over-read by 5 - 7 per cent, so the member of CLOG in the centre lane who thinks he's doing 70 may only in fact be doing 65, and at 65 is impeding the progress of traffic behind him to the extent he could even cause a Mexican wave with a nose-to-tailer and a bump five miles behind him. I drive (my low-powered car) as I hope you do: I keep left as much as possible, I keep myself constantly aware of everything happening around me and everything about to happen, and I help other motorists complete their manoeuvres safely. If some clown is occupying the centre lane at stupidly low speed, then rather than dangerously attempt to manoeuvre around him I simply pass him on the inside. He was committing the offence of driving without due consideration for other road users, not me.
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