Why are obstructions in the road not being marked or illuminated properly at night?

In late November last year I was driving along a two-way urban 30mph road at 6.30pm, in pouring rain and dense traffic I suddenly felt two nasty bumps on the rear side, stopped in nearby layby and found my front and rear tyres had punctured. They had clipped the outer point of a triangular type of "build-out" jutting out from the nearside pavement. The only signs in warning was a faint yellow line on the road adjoining the edge of the pavement and some hatchings on the far side of the build-out - no central or side beacon and no overhanging lamp post.

As a right-hand driver, in the driving rain, following the dense traffic, neither the yellow line nor sudden build-out were visible to me. Our pick-up driver said that he was familiar with collecting drivers such as myself on this road. I have since been in touch with the responsible local council (London Borough of Merton) and they maintain (after a site survey) that their traffic calming measures and signs meet all regulatory requirements. This survey however was done during the daytime I did ask if their risk assessment and decisions relating to traffic management took account of nighttime and all weather conditions, and am still awaiting a reply. I am only claiming a refund of £96 for repair of two tyres but the issue is now becoming a point of principle for me and I thought such a query to you might be of interest to your other readers.

Asked on 6 April 2013 by BC, Esher

Answered by Honest John
That's the real danger of road humps, speed cushions and projecting kerbs in inclement weather. The idiots who install them never think of this. Merton has pulled a lot of stupid tricks like this. There was even a public meeting to complain of the dangerous kerbs on Copse Hill about 15 years ago, but the council paid no attention. For the real scandal, check the salary of the Council's chief executive that you are paying out of your Council Tax. It simply does not require that amount of money to hire someone to do that job.
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