A driver slammed on their brakes so I hit their car - how do I refute this fraudulent insurance claim?

Two weeks ago I was driving, had just gotten off the freeway and was approaching a green light. As I did, the lady in front of me proceeded to slam on her brakes as the light had just turned yellow. I slammed on my brakes and my wheels slid. She jolted forward maybe two feet but my tires slid and I bumped her. There was one other person in the car, who sat in the back. I took photos of both her car and mine, but there was no damage. Both people in the car were also fine and there was no damage to property inside the car. We exchanged information, although she was quite rude and understandably frustrated. I calmly asked her for the information I knew I needed and left. She called 911 and then her insurance company while I was there. I just got a letter from our insurance company saying that over $1000 of damage was done. What do I do? How do I refute the, in my opinion, fraudulent claim?

Asked on 3 April 2018 by Rebekah

Answered by Honest John
Guessing you are in the United States from your terminology, but the premise of law will be the same. Ultimately, you may have been subject to a "crash for cash" scam. But you still hit her vehicle and, as such, are at fault and liable for her losses. You should always be able to stop without hitting the vehicle in front, even if they slam on the brakes. Contact your insurer to advise them that you feel you are being subjected to a fraudulent claim and have been targeted with this scam. Provide the information you have sent me and send them the pictures as well.
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