Ask Honest John

Most recently answered parking laws questions
The same person keeps parking day and night on my driveway and I can't get my car in.
I want to know if I can use a car cover over my car. It is parked in my own space in a secure car park at my flats, the space is registered to me. I need to protect my car from vandalism, dust from nearby...
What is the law around cars blocking the cycle lane on roads by parking on them, often for extended periods?
Is it an offence to park over a dropped kerb? My neighbours across the road say they are having the kerb lowered so they are guaranteed a parking spot because they have no driveway. They are under the...
I park outside our house, which has no driveway - just a long strip of pavement out front. The house next door has a driveway and the owner does not want me to park where I park. Am I allowed to park there?
Am I legally allowed to park my caravan on my driveway? My neighbour says it spoils her view from her front door which is 15ft away.
Can I legally park a braked small horse trailer (no horses) on a public highway? What if anything does it need and does is it an agricultural vehicle?
Do you know how the law works if I park outside the gate of my own yard, only obstructing myself? The pavement ends, then there is my yard entrance, then the pavement starts again. When I'm across the...