Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - HGV ~ P Valentine

Ukraine. The history of 2 world wars should have taught us something, but it is being repeated for the third time, Putin was compared to Hitler with the brave Ukrainians facing a force where they are outnumbered. Children both born and unborn have been deliberately targeted and yet this cowardly government refuse to commit troops, but talk about lawyers after the event, refusing to answer with a yes or no about us committing troops to the defence of Europe, just like we should have done the first 2 times this happened but did not. The governments idea ! Is that we let the Russians kill innocent children and do nothing to present it from happening, but will robustly bring to boot the guilty after the children are dead, WHAT GOOD IS THAT TO THE CHILDEN, or the relations of the kids, the answer is sod all. We know there is a huge convoy heading there since Sunday, we know that is only half the forces Russia have, and yet we do NOTHING. I am ashamed to be British, and the people who voted the cowardly government in, will have blood on their hands of innocent children, that have and will die in the days to come.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - HGV ~ P Valentine

Ps while europe opens its doors to families, we put hurdles and hoops they have to negotiate, after all they have gone through.

Edited by A Driver since 1988, HGV 2006 on 01/03/2022 at 09:14

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Andrew-T

If you are suggesting that the UK should officially take sides by joining in, forget it. There is never any point in enlarging the scale of a war unless invaded or actually threatened. In any case, as NATO members, we should bolster that rather than mimic Brexit and do our own thing.

Plus - we have no quarrel with the Russian people, only (Ras)Putin, who is clearly (and has been for a long time) a lying, evil, paranoid despot. If he were to disappear somehow the whole problem might be miraculously solved.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - FP

It seems to me, Paul, that most of your recent posts are moans about something or other. This one excels itself.

I have seen no evidence that children have been targeted by the Russians and what you mean by "unborn children" being targeted I have no idea. It does seem residential areas in Kharkiv and Kiev have been hit - maybe deliberately, maybe as collateral damage, but as in most war scenarios, reliable news is hard to come by.

"I am ashamed to be British, and the people who voted the cowardly government in, will have blood on their hands of innocent children..."

Feel what you want, but this strikes me as a gross over-reaction. If you are really suggesting the UK should start a world war on the basis of what is happening in Ukraine, then think again. In any case, no-one who voted in the last general election had any idea of what is happening now.

If you really feel that strongly about the situation in Ukraine, I suggest you get yourself over there and join in. The government seems perfectly happy with the idea.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - badbusdriver

The notion of the UK (or any other nuclear capable country) going up against Russia with Putin in charge fills me with dread. While it seems (going by what I have heard on BBC News) the UK could make it more easy for Ukrainian refugees to enter the country, I don't feel we should be getting any more involved, at least not officially.

As UK citizens, the best we can do is give to charities helping in Ukraine and be wiling to accept the fact that sanctions against Russia are going to affect us too.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Bromptonaut

It's clear that whether through intent, negligence or use of unguided munitions the Russians are causing civilian deaths. It is though a helluva long way from that to actually targeting children never mind the unborn.

Is there any evidence of this targeting?

Absolutely agree our governments response to refugees is pathetic. Bottom line is that if we allow a 'safe route' into the UK it exposes Patel's line with those in other conflict zones or who have reached Calais for the Cant, Hypocrisy and Doublespeak it is.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - sammy1

I see nothing wrong with the OP. and for members petty arguing over it well! It looks as though Belarus is becoming involved from the latest reports. As the OP said it is indeed a sad state of affairs and best left to governments. I feel sure that NATO has long held contingencies for this very thing to happen and doing their best to avoid escalating the war but there might very well become a point when enough is enough, lets hope not.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Andrew-T

Bottom line is that if we allow a 'safe route' into the UK it exposes Patel's line with those in other conflict zones or who have reached Calais for the Cant, Hypocrisy and Doublespeak it is.

Looking further ahead than the immediate weeks or months, it seems that western Europe and north America may become the only remaining desirable parts of the world for refugees, allowing for global warming and its effect on nations' sustainability. People from much of Africa and Asia are already trickling in. I just hope it will see my time out - I don't envy what awaits the next generation or two.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - galileo

It's clear that whether through intent, negligence or use of unguided munitions the Russians are causing civilian deaths. It is though a helluva long way from that to actually targeting children never mind the unborn.

Is there any evidence of this targeting?

Absolutely agree our governments response to refugees is pathetic. Bottom line is that if we allow a 'safe route' into the UK it exposes Patel's line with those in other conflict zones or who have reached Calais for the Cant, Hypocrisy and Doublespeak it is.

You ignore the fact that most of those crossing the channel have been in several other 'safe havens' and instead of following the legal process to enter the UK are queue jumping those who do that.

Many have paid criminal smugglers thousands, they are not genuine refugees but are economic migrants, once here many enter the black economy, paying no tax and possibly using NHS facilities as the NHS does not check ID's for entitlement.

Furthermore, most of the Channel migrants do not share our culture and may not accept our laws on equality of women and other norms of behaviour.

Refugees from Ukraine are a completely different case and I am dismayed (but not surprised) that you try to score a political point.

No doubt I shall be accused of racism and bigotry, feel free if it makes you feel superior

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Bromptonaut

You ignore the fact that most of those crossing the channel have been in several other 'safe havens' and instead of following the legal process to enter the UK are queue jumping those who do that.

There is no queue to jump. There are no legal routes for people from say Syria or Sub Saharan Africa to reach the UK and seek Asylum. That's why they end up paying smugglers and face perilous journeys in dinghies.

Many have paid criminal smugglers thousands, they are not genuine refugees but are economic migrants, once here many enter the black economy, paying no tax and possibly using NHS facilities as the NHS does not check ID's for entitlement.

They may, or may not, be economic migrants. The Asylum process is there to determine whether they have a real and justified fear of persecution. Some seek Asylum but also to better themselves; the two are not mutually exclusive.

I don't recognise the 'many' entering the black economy. All the evidence is that even those arriving on the Kent coast unassisted by Border Force or the RNLI surrender themselves to the UK authorities and are placed in Asylum housing.

Furthermore, most of the Channel migrants do not share our culture and may not accept our laws on equality of women and other norms of behaviour.

Refugees from Ukraine are a completely different case and I am dismayed (but not surprised) that you try to score a political point.

Both are human beings fleeing war. To make those who look like us a different case does seem to sail close to the wind:

If the Home Secretary suddenly discovers safe routes for people who look like us while consistently denying them to others then she is in a difficult place in terms of both policy and politics.

Unfortunately I have little confidence that a Labour Home Secretary would be any more fair minded.

Edited by Bromptonaut on 03/03/2022 at 18:43

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Warning

Putin is paranoid. He thinks this is about fighting the West.

The absence of the US, UK and EU proves his paranoia wrong.

All those bombing of Ukraine is going to look badly and horrify Russian citizens.

If the UK sends troops to Ukraine, it will validate Putin, that he is fighting the West. I suspect Russian troops know this is not a just war, but if the UK sends troops, it will motivate Russia troops.

Let the people of Ukraine fight Putin, to say they don't want his rule.

I don't think we have anything to be proud of over Iraq, and the way we left Afghanistan. I still don't know what happened in Syria.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Xileno

Dire though things are, I do not agree with boots on the ground. It would only inflame a delicate situation and would almost certainly divide the World, which has been unpredictably united in its view of Putin's actions. The man is not of sound mind IMO, the thought of him being able to use nuclear weapons is horrifying. Should Putin decide (and be able) to go further than Ukraine then the situation will be very different.

Edited by Xileno on 01/03/2022 at 13:25

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Warning

Why is Ukraine the West's Fault? Featuring John Mearsheimer (2015)

Interesting perspective from an American academic.

NBC News Exclusive: Full Interview With Russian President Vladimir Putin (June 2021)

I have n't seen it all of hte NBC interview, may be someone can point timestamp when Putin talks of Ukraine.He seems to have the gift of the gab.

Edited by Warning on 01/03/2022 at 14:06

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Engineer Andy

I'm being VERY careful at the moment - a LOT of lies and misinformation coming out on all sides in this conflict, including via our politicians (of all hues) and especially the mainstream media.

I think that only makes a bad situation worse, as it showed over the last 2 years with the Pandemic, where a LOT of that is now coming to light.

I do think Putin has seemingly lost it though. Not good when the two leading superpowers with the largest nuclear @***nals at their disposal are both in need of psychiatric help.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Andrew-T

I'm being VERY careful at the moment - a LOT of lies and misinformation coming out on all sides in this conflict,

Andy, whenever you join in one of our tense political discussions you (appear to) claim to be able to instantly tell what are lies and what aren't (or more likely, you assume everything is). I put it to you that is itself a lie, and little more than a reflection of your personal opinions, which many of us are familiar with ?

I would reinforce one point - anything Putin says, or has said, is nearly always proved later to have been a lie. That is a Russian characteristic and has been happening for decades, probably longer.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Engineer Andy

I'm being VERY careful at the moment - a LOT of lies and misinformation coming out on all sides in this conflict,

Andy, whenever you join in one of our tense political discussions you (appear to) claim to be able to instantly tell what are lies and what aren't (or more likely, you assume everything is). I put it to you that is itself a lie, and little more than a reflection of your personal opinions, which many of us are familiar with ?

I would reinforce one point - anything Putin says, or has said, is nearly always proved later to have been a lie. That is a Russian characteristic and has been happening for decades, probably longer.

Gee, you really know how to get a person's good side with your kind words. It's not as though you and some others here saying similar things can reliably claim to be the 'voices of reason'.

You may disagree with many of my political points of view, but the Ukraine conflict could get far more serious than a difference of opinion, and thus cool heads need to prevail. A pity (as others appear to have done above) you have tried to score political point rather than make a positive contribution on an issue that could, if it goes the wrong way, end all life on this planet in under 24 hrs.

I was merely pointing out that the lies fronted in the MSM don't just go in one direction, as has been widely demonstrated over the past few weeks on this topic, and that we all should be very wary of blindly believe newspaper and TV reports at face value (as much as government propaganda on either side), whether from Russian or Western media outlets.

Remember many also have their own agenda, including the phrase uttered by actor Johnathan Pryce's character in the Bond Film Tomorrow Never Dies, "There's no news like bad news" precisely because it sells copy.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Andrew-T

<< You may disagree with many of my political points of view, but the Ukraine conflict could get far more serious than a difference of opinion, and thus cool heads need to prevail. A pity (as others appear to have done above) you have tried to score political point rather than make a positive contribution on an issue that could, if it goes the wrong way, end all life on this planet in under 24 hrs >>

Please enlighten me about what 'political point' you think I have made - that is something I try to avoid doing, as I am unqualified to try :-)

And IMHO, 'cool heads' are unlikely to have any effect on a psychopathic mind like the one we are struggling to come to terms with, unfortunately. All we might do is to give Ukraine as much help as we can, without our nation(s) becoming directly involved. Apart from comparing them - if we have time - we can only take TV and media reports 'at face value'. How much credence we give them will depend on our personal world view, as I suggested before.

Edited by Andrew-T on 02/03/2022 at 14:08

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Engineer Andy

<< You may disagree with many of my political points of view, but the Ukraine conflict could get far more serious than a difference of opinion, and thus cool heads need to prevail. A pity (as others appear to have done above) you have tried to score political point rather than make a positive contribution on an issue that could, if it goes the wrong way, end all life on this planet in under 24 hrs >>

Please enlighten me about what 'political point' you think I have made - that is something I try to avoid doing, as I am unqualified to try :-)

See your earlier comments near the top - you actually mention Brexit, as if that has anything to do with this situation.

And IMHO, 'cool heads' are unlikely to have any effect on a psychopathic mind like the one we are struggling to come to terms with, unfortunately. All we might do is to give Ukraine as much help as we can, without our nation(s) becoming directly involved. Apart from comparing them - if we have time - we can only take TV and media reports 'at face value'. How much credence we give them will depend on our personal world view, as I suggested before.

Doing 'all that we can' is both a vague and open-ended commitment. Giving a 'blank cheque' or an 'open door' to huge numbers of refugees is not the right thing to do. Taking in some - and on a temporary basis, should be considered and planned for amongst many wealthier nations, but the vast majoirty should, at least in the short term, be housed in the region with financial and logistical assistance.

All too often refugees become defacto economic migrants and often bring many of their own (significant) cultural/societal issues along with them, having a huge impact on our society as we've seen many times over the past 20+ years.

Assuming the conflict gets resolved sufficiently that the country can be put back to its original state and peacefully retake their place in the world, refugees should really go back, but with assistance to help them rebuild. I think that is best for everyone involved, the UK included.

The 'cool heads' argument is that we don't just fall back on 'party or ideological lines' and call for X or Y to happen (or not) just because it fit the narrarive we normally follow, precisely because certain actions being proposed could easily widen the conflict and turn it into a nuclear confrontation that no-one will win.

That I said that emotive reporting (deliberately done) to generate support for one side or the other is seemingly being believed (by the comments of some) when much of the reporting is is either incorrect or deliberate lies/propaganda is worrying indeed.

My point was that over the past few years, and especially during the pandemic, some of us have come to distrust the media (especially the mainstream/legacy media) precisely because they have been proven to lie, to post propaganda (not just for governments or opposition political parties) under the pretence of 'factual reporting' (not just a slant as it often used to be or mainly confined to opinion pieces/editorials), and especially the TV news that has followed the legacy print media, despite laws being in place to stop it.

I was originally trying to say we all need to calm down a bit to enable everyone (especially our leaders and the media) to think a bit more clearly and dispationately. I'm sorry you took it as some slight. It wasn't.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Andrew-T

<< you actually mention Brexit, as if that has anything to do with this situation. >>

I am still wondering what 'political point' you consider I might be making. I merely suggest that the wish to separate from the EU might be followed by similar feeling towards NATO, and then a wish for the UK to get involved on its own.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Ethan Edwards

Ukraine. The history of 2 world wars should have taught us something, but it is being repeated for the third time, Putin was compared to Hitler with the brave Ukrainians facing a force where they are outnumbered. Children both born and unborn have been deliberately targeted and yet this cowardly government refuse to commit troops, but talk about lawyers after the event, refusing to answer with a yes or no about us committing troops to the defence of Europe, just like we should have done the first 2 times this happened but did not. The governments idea ! Is that we let the Russians kill innocent children and do nothing to present it from happening, but will robustly bring to boot the guilty after the children are dead, WHAT GOOD IS THAT TO THE CHILDEN, or the relations of the kids, the answer is sod all. We know there is a huge convoy heading there since Sunday, we know that is only half the forces Russia have, and yet we do NOTHING. I am ashamed to be British, and the people who voted the cowardly government in, will have blood on their hands of innocent children, that have and will die in the days to come.

Great idea let's kick off ww3, cos nothing bad could happen from that could it. Contrary to your stellar suggestion Boris is doing a sterling job.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Andrew-T

<< Contrary to your stellar suggestion Boris is doing a sterling job. >>

Well, I must agree that his latest performances do show faint signs of overdue statesmanship. He must be welcoming Ukraine as a potent distraction from his recent difficulties.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - groaver

Contrary to your stellar suggestion Boris is doing a sterling job.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha * gasps for air* hahahahahahahahahahahaha

Edited by groaver on 02/03/2022 at 08:29

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Sofa Spud

It's terrible to see what Russia is doing to Ukraine and it's also terrible to feel helpless.

But if Britain or other European countries or the USA gets involved, that risks widening the war resulting in much more death and destruction.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - focussed

Many comments decry the no boots on the ground policy for UK in Ukraine.

Reminding those commenting that Ukraine is not either currently a member of NATO or a member of the EU.

So sending UK troops to Ukraine would be tantamount to an invasion - a big no-no.

There have been reports of some ex-sas travelling to Ukraine to act as unofficial trainers and advisors against the advice of the MOD.

That's presumably ok of they are not currently serving but the MOD cannot prevent them leaving the UK - that's the freedom that still exists in the UK for now.

Some serving UK military were in Ukraine training their guys to use the N-LAW anti tank missile system before the invasion.

However, the UK is actively reinforcing NATO in Estonia, a possible next target for Putin.

Just as an aside, France is repositioning their nuclear powered aircraft carrier the Charles de Gaulle closer to Romania to “carry out air police missions, reconnaissance and intelligence gathering,”

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Engineer Andy

Seems like Vlad is trying to be the next Peter the Great. I bet Xi is looking on (which preparing his forces to invade Taiwan) to see how he fares and what the West does in response.

We (the West) need to get this right (we didn't get off to a good start by being weak and effectively giving Putin the green light), otherwise its either mushroom clouds or the effective return of the Communist type bloc invading whole swathes of their near neighbours, only this time they'd have far more of an impact given the resources (e.g. wheat from the Ukraine) and products (computer chips from Taiwan) many of them provide for the rest of the world.

The third may well be that The Ukraine is taken over, eventually, but it ends up like 1980s Afganistan, so hardly better.

Not an easy task, and sad to say one that the West's 'leaders' (especially the US president and his staff, though most of the others aren't much better) don't appear up to as yet. Let's hope they raise their game without either of those two possible worst-case scenarios happening.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Andrew-T

Seems like Vlad is trying to be the next Peter the Great. I bet Xi is looking on (which preparing his forces to invade Taiwan) to see how he fares and what the West does in response.

Vlad is not really attacking Ukraine, he is trying to repel the advance of democracy, which is what he REALLY doesn't want.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - FP

"... we didn't get off to a good start by being weak and effectively giving Putin the green light..."

Your statement here effectively puts some of the blame on the West.

Please explain what you think the West either failed to do, or did wrong, and which allowed or encouraged Putin to invade Ukraine. What "strong" action would have prevented it?

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Engineer Andy

"... we didn't get off to a good start by being weak and effectively giving Putin the green light..."

Your statement here effectively puts some of the blame on the West.

Please explain what you think the West either failed to do, or did wrong, and which allowed or encouraged Putin to invade Ukraine. What "strong" action would have prevented it?

Deterring a hostile foreign leader with pretensions of being some 'conquering hero' to bring back the former 'greatness' of their country by taking foreign lands needs our leaders to show them that they mean business by saying to them 'you do this and we'll turn your capital to rubble' but be seen to actually mean it.

Most Western leaders, and especially the current occupant of the White House, basically said 'we won't do that' and, through the recent debacle of the Afgan withdrawal, Putin knew then it was the opportune moment to strike in the Ukraine.

Apparently Trump told him (and similarly with Xi regarding Taiwan at another meeting) when he was in office (reports say 2017) if I recall, that any further incursion into the Ukraine and Moscow gets reduced to a pile of rubble or words to that effect. It appeared to work, as there was no build-up of forces by Russia near the border until 2021 when Putin saw how weak Biden was.

Note that similarly when GW Bush was in office, he said something similar to Putin about Georgia and backed it up with a show of force in the Black sea by the US Navy. Only when Obama came to power and softened his approach did Putin then green light th invasion of Georgia, then later the Ukraine - both which had little meaninful consequences to Russia (who both re-armed and significantly reduced their soverign debt throughout).

What didn't help is that the EU (including the UK when it was still in it) and the US egged on a corrupt (though not as much as Russia's, but that's not saying much) government to join the EU but bypassing all the rules designed to prevent corrupt counbties joining, I think to stick it to Putin back in 2014 and before.

As I said, this support gave Putin the opportunity to claim that foreign powers were effectively taking over control there and threatening ares of The Ukraine that have historically (and still do) have majority ethic Russian populations.

I'm not trying to justify his actions, but the EU, US (under Obama, with Biden doing some very didgy stuff in Ukraine to get this agenda fixed) and UK were both naive and foolish or egotsistical to meddle as they did. It gave Putin the justification (in the naive and blinkered eyes of the Russian population) to invade, not once but twice. Don't forget the effectively tried to make sure 'their man' won presidential elections and tried to start/support uprisings to support him.

Since the end of the (first?) Cold War, the West has been VERY bad at the either/or use of force or instruments of persuasion to end bad regimes, mostly making things a lot worse. They are either too risk averse or egotistical and gung-ho, and do not understand risk analysis and planning, especially for what comes next (e.g. Iraq)

What the Western powers SHOULD have done is insist on the corruption and poor treatment of separatist regions ending and proper democracitc accountability and governance to come into effect, tested by a free press and far greater openess. All they have done is pushed the Ukraine towards what the former Yugoslavia became, but with a very powerful neighbour siding with 1/3 or more of the country's regions. They also should've (as Trump did) made Putin abundantely clear that any agreesive moves by his military or subvertive tactics in country would not be tollerated.

What Biden should have said (and show he meant it with actions) on his first day in office was exactly the same as what his predecessor supposedly did. Sadly the opportunity was missed and we're now in the dangerous situation we read about.

A bully will only ever back down if you show them you mean to give them a b***** nose or worse if they do as they threaten to. It usually stops them from getting to a point where they feel they cannot back down because they know they'll not politically or personally survive doing so, hence why the 'off ramp' term is now being quoted a lot in the media - a way of giving Putin a way out so that both sides can claim vitory, or at least avoid defeat in the eyes of their own people.

THAT is going to be very hard to do, given the way our side has handled things up until now.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - FP

Do you ever deal with a contentious issue directly and succinctly?

I'm not wasting my time ploughing through your verbiage, but will mention one point from near the beginning. You say the West should have threatened to destroy Moscow to prevent Russia from invading Ukraine and should have meant it.

That is obviously such a ridiculous idea that it is hardly seems worth commenting on it, but I assume you're prepared to accept the likelihood of nuclear war.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Bromptonaut

Do you ever deal with a contentious issue directly and succinctly?

The suggestion that Russia's annexation of Crimea can be accounted for by anything to do with Obama is also nonsense on stilts.

Crimea includes Sevastopol, the main base for Russia's naval force in the Black Sea. It's annexation, though in practice it was Russified anyway, was a direct consequence of the 2014 Ukraine revolution and the ousting of the pro Russian President Yanukovich.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Xileno

Wasn't a great fan of Portillo as a Minister but his interview here is interesting as it gives some historical context to the current issues. If you are short of time, then from 1:30 is where the interesting content starts (to me anyway)

Edited by Xileno on 06/03/2022 at 20:10

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Engineer Andy

Wasn't a great fan of Portillo as a Minister but his interview here is interesting as it gives some historical context to the current issues. If you are short of time, then from 1:30 is where the interesting content starts (to me anyway)

Which video are you reffering to here? I do remember him once saying on an episode of This Week why he thought that us having nukes was a bad idea/use of resouces for defence, because he thought no-one these days would have the gumption to ever really use them.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Xileno

Sorry - forgot to put the link in. Now done...

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Engineer Andy

Do you ever deal with a contentious issue directly and succinctly?

The suggestion that Russia's annexation of Crimea can be accounted for by anything to do with Obama is also nonsense on stilts.

Rather short on facts there, sir. That Obama assured Putin he wanted to be far more 'hands off' and chummy with Russia on entering office signalled to Putin he could get away with far more than before, which is why the invasion of Georgia (and then the Crimea) happened on Obama's watch, and not Bush's (or Trump's).

Crimea includes Sevastopol, the main base for Russia's naval force in the Black Sea. It's annexation, though in practice it was Russified anyway, was a direct consequence of the 2014 Ukraine revolution and the ousting of the pro Russian President Yanukovich.

See above. Note that the 'revolution' was egged on / encouraged by the EU, but I sincerely doubt they would've done it without Obama's blessing, given the love-in between them at the time.

All they did was oust one corrupt politician with another, just one on 'their side'. How about making sure elections there were free and fair across the board and that corruption and mistreatment of regions stopped?

I would also note that 'the Big Man' made a nice amount of bank via his son around that time due to such events happening (funny how they aren't being investigated properly, if at all), which likely played a part in the locals of the Eastern regions not trusting him when he got the top job last year.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Bromptonaut

Rather short on facts there, sir. That Obama assured Putin he wanted to be far more 'hands off' and chummy with Russia on entering office signalled to Putin he could get away with far more than before, which is why the invasion of Georgia (and then the Crimea) happened on Obama's watch, and not Bush's (or Trump's).

Have you looked at the history of Crimea as a background to the annexation?

While Wikipedia is not a source it's a starting point:

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Engineer Andy

Rather short on facts there, sir. That Obama assured Putin he wanted to be far more 'hands off' and chummy with Russia on entering office signalled to Putin he could get away with far more than before, which is why the invasion of Georgia (and then the Crimea) happened on Obama's watch, and not Bush's (or Trump's).

Have you looked at the history of Crimea as a background to the annexation?

While Wikipedia is not a source it's a starting point:

I do know something of its history, hence why neither side was blameless. It still didn't justify what the Russians did by annexing it, or, for that matter, as they've also done with parts of Georgia, the Ukraine and the Baltic states, use their security/intelligence services to subvert the local administration and to stir up trouble through / give financial assistance to 'Russian speakers' and 'ethinc Russians' who are no better than terrorists.

To me, that sounds like those supporting NI terrorists (incl. naive American politicians in the 1980s and 90s) with resources and undermining the authorities.

Such ethnic and border problems should be resolved peacefully and openly by public debate and the ballot box. The problem with Russia (mainly Putin and his cronies) is that he thinks that talk is weak and bullying and subversion is far better, making him look 'strong' in the eyes of the Russian people.

Unfortunately, even where Russia does have some legitimate claims to some regions currently part of other nations, the opposite is also true (as is with most nations, going far back enough) and frnakly his asperations would not end with what he is current demanding, rather like a certain German dictator from the last century.

Weak Western leadership enabled and emboldened him. Strong leadership kept him (relatively) reined in. I somehow doubt he'd now believe any 'strong words' from Biden though, as the proverbial cat is out of the bag on his leadership abilities and state of mind, as well as his subordinates.

Sadly I think much of that is also true of the vast majority of his counterparts in the West, including sitting governments and the vast majority of opposition politicians here and abroad.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Bromptonaut

I do know something of its history, hence why neither side was blameless. It still didn't justify what the Russians did by annexing it, or, for that matter, as they've also done with parts of Georgia, the Ukraine and the Baltic states, use their security/intelligence services to subvert the local administration and to stir up trouble through / give financial assistance to 'Russian speakers' and 'ethinc Russians' who are no better than terrorists.

To me, that sounds like those supporting NI terrorists (incl. naive American politicians in the 1980s and 90s) with resources and undermining the authorities.

As in NI there's a genuine ethnic issue caused, in part, by historic 'settler' type people movements. Once the pro-Russia President was defenestrated the Russians in Crimea became restive. I don't think a great deal of stirring was needed.

Weak Western leadership enabled and emboldened him. Strong leadership kept him (relatively) reined in. I somehow doubt he'd now believe any 'strong words' from Biden though, as the proverbial cat is out of the bag on his leadership abilities and state of mind, as well as his subordinates.

I take it the cat in the bag is Biden's supposed dementia?

Clearly he has some history of cerebral incidents in the past but it's a big leap from there to him being incapable. He looks bright and attentive when speaking and certainly makes more sense that Trump, I mean linguistically not politically.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Andrew-T

That is obviously such a ridiculous idea that it is hardly seems worth commenting on it, but I assume you're prepared to accept the likelihood of nuclear war ?

Exactly. And when it is clear that we would be facing a paranoid individual with few worries about the consequence of any of his actions, it makes better sense to try to contain any conflict that has started.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Engineer Andy

That is obviously such a ridiculous idea that it is hardly seems worth commenting on it, but I assume you're prepared to accept the likelihood of nuclear war ?

Exactly. And when it is clear that we would be facing a paranoid individual with few worries about the consequence of any of his actions, it makes better sense to try to contain any conflict that has started.

By what method, exactly? That's the $1M question.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Andrew-T

That is obviously such a ridiculous idea that it is hardly seems worth commenting on it, but I assume you're prepared to accept the likelihood of nuclear war ?

Exactly. And when it is clear that we would be facing a paranoid individual with few worries about the consequence of any of his actions, it makes better sense to try to contain any conflict that has started.

By what method, exactly? That's the $1M question.

By not joining in directly. Providing Ukraine with equipment and training if necessary, I think they have plenty enough enthusiasm which our troops may not.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Engineer Andy

Do you ever deal with a contentious issue directly and succinctly?

I'm not wasting my time ploughing through your verbiage, but will mention one point from near the beginning. You say the West should have threatened to destroy Moscow to prevent Russia from invading Ukraine and should have meant it.

That is obviously such a ridiculous idea that it is hardly seems worth commenting on it, but I assume you're prepared to accept the likelihood of nuclear war.

So why bother, other than just to have a go at someone you disgree with on a general ideological level out of pettiness? Is it a trait of the Left to do this when faced with some hard truths?

You may also like to think that issues such as this can be broken down into one or two sentences, or resolved in five minutes, but like most things in life, they are far more complicated than that.

Maybe twitter may be more to your liking for 'discussing' these issues.

Edited by Engineer Andy on 06/03/2022 at 18:46

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - FP

"... why bother, other than just to have a go at someone you dis[a]gree with on a general ideological level out of pettiness?"

It is not a question of pettiness. It is a question of how you deal with contentious issues - in this topic and in many others over the years. Your rambling posts do your case no good - people simply aren't going to read them. I have every sympathy with the need sometimes to deal with complexities, but you serve up a lack of relevance, coherence and clarity in your posts (and you have a long history of doing so).

Just look at the (mercifully brief) post you have just made. It fails to answer the point in my comment, which was that you suggested the West should have been prepared to destroy Moscow in order to prevent the invasion of Ukraine and I pointed out that this would risk starting a nuclear war, which presumably you are prepared to accept.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - sammy1

Whatever the politics Peter Hitchens in the MOS gives a broad view of the historic relations between Russia and the Ukraine He also has views on NATO and the part they possibly play in this sorry war. It is worth a read if you care to go looking.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Engineer Andy

"... why bother, other than just to have a go at someone you dis[a]gree with on a general ideological level out of pettiness?"

It is not a question of pettiness. It is a question of how you deal with contentious issues - in this topic and in many others over the years. Your rambling posts do your case no good - people simply aren't going to read them. I have every sympathy with the need sometimes to deal with complexities, but you serve up a lack of relevance, coherence and clarity in your posts (and you have a long history of doing so).

Just look at the (mercifully brief) post you have just made. It fails to answer the point in my comment, which was that you suggested the West should have been prepared to destroy Moscow in order to prevent the invasion of Ukraine and I pointed out that this would risk starting a nuclear war, which presumably you are prepared to accept.

Oh dear. So you want a very complex issue boiled down into two sentences. Again, I direct you to Twitter. You can have a great time having a go at all and sundry in 288 characters per tweet. If you want to discuss issues seriously, then be prepared for more lengthy discussions. This ain't a school yard spat over football teams.

Amazing how what you said in that last comment stood between early 2017 and early 2020 but prevented the Russians from invading. I wonder why that was? The only way a bully stops bullying is when you threaten them (and mean it) with something that seriously adversely affects them (or worse). It does NOT mean you accept that you will be then engaged in a fight to the death. A different course of action would be needed if Putin was actually insane.

Putin may have delusions of grandure but he's not stupid - he's a ruthless, calculating (and evil) man who wants history to remember him in Russia favourably. He only acts like this because WE let him. For all their flaws, Trump and GW Bush didn't, at least militarily.

We now have to deal with the mistakes the West has generally made in their dealing with Putin (and Xi) be being weak, and that includes being dependent on the former's oil & gas and the latter for manufactureed goods [especially high tech stuff] even during those other presidencies where they DID stand up to them militarily.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - FP

"Oh dear. So you want a very complex issue boiled down into two sentences."

I want you to answer the point. Either you stand by what you said about the West being prepared to destroy Moscow and accept that this might mean a nuclear war, or you don't. Why is that complicated?

"The only way a bully stops bullying is when you threaten them (and mean it) with something that seriously adversely affects them (or worse). It does NOT mean you accept that you will be then engaged in a fight to the death." What do you mean? You are fudging the issue.

Either a country is prepared to carry out a threat or not. Of course that may mean it is then "engaged in a fight to the death". Do you really not see the lack of logic in what you wrote?

And do give over with the Twitter stuff - it's another of your ploys to create a distraction.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Engineer Andy

"Oh dear. So you want a very complex issue boiled down into two sentences."

I want you to answer the point. Either you stand by what you said about the West being prepared to destroy Moscow and accept that this might mean a nuclear war, or you don't. Why is that complicated?

If you have them, then you must be prepared to show enemies you'd use them. That doesn't mean they need a demonstration of them, more a big show of strength as Bush did to deter Putin. He backed down as a result, just as Khrushchev did when President Kennedy (a Democrat) threatened the same during the Cuban missle crisis.

"The only way a bully stops bullying is when you threaten them (and mean it) with something that seriously adversely affects them (or worse). It does NOT mean you accept that you will be then engaged in a fight to the death." What do you mean? You are fudging the issue.

Either a country is prepared to carry out a threat or not. Of course that may mean it is then "engaged in a fight to the death". Do you really not see the lack of logic in what you wrote?

See my first comment above.

And do give over with the Twitter stuff - it's another of your ploys to create a distraction.

Really? As opposed to you not actually discussing anything and 'playing the man, not the ball' all the time when someone has a different viewpoint? You complain when I go into great depth on an issue then say I'm not saying anything.

Rather than trying to argue on essentially nothing burgers all the time, how about actually talking issues, sensibly and rationally? I have yet to read anything from you and a few others that even come close to concrete, workable poilcy solutions other than letting in millions of (extra) refugees without a care to the consequences.

Do you seriously think that Putin will just pull his troops out or not push on over the next few years to neighbouring countries? At some point, you have to physically stand up to the bully, and its far better for that not to be on your doorstep and with friends to help you, rather than with none left because they've already been beaten to a pulp.

Yes, there are a very complex set of issues in play here, but either doing nothing (or barely anything other than allowing in loads of refugees permanently) or going the full neocon nuke first, talk later route is not an option.

A middle ground is needed, which needs proper in-depth discussion.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Brit_in_Germany

You need to check your facts a bit better before posting. Putin annexed the South Ossetia part of Georgia after a short military action which kicked off in August 2008. Guess who was US president then.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Engineer Andy

You need to check your facts a bit better before posting. Putin annexed the South Ossetia part of Georgia after a short military action which kicked off in August 2008. Guess who was US president then.

I believe the US military's actions back then stopped Russia from essentially doing the same to the rest of Georgia as they are now trying to do in the Ukraine. Yes, they were caught on the hop, but it didn't escalate.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Brit_in_Germany

This was written by the Bush era SoS:

Opinion | Russia invaded Georgia 10 years ago. Don’t say America didn’t respond. - The Washington Post

Hardly tough, no-nonsense military action "I told Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili — privately — that the Russians would try to provoke him and that, given the circumstances on the ground, he could not count on a military response from NATO."

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Andrew-T

<< If you have them, then you must be prepared to show enemies you'd use them. >>

This is the (very old now) debate about the value of a threat which everyone knows can (and will) never be carried out, because the disadvantages outweigh the positives. Once the first nuke is fired it will be impossible to prevent retaliation, and the global poisoning of humanity (and other creatures) will have started.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - FP

"'Either you stand by what you said about the West being prepared to destroy Moscow and accept that this might mean a nuclear war, or you don't. Why is that complicated?'

If you have them, then you must be prepared to show enemies you'd use them. That doesn't mean they need a demonstration of them, more a big show of strength as Bush did to deter Putin."

So you're now saying you wouldn't be prepared to destroy Moscow.


"... you not actually discussing anything and 'playing the man, not the ball' all the time when someone has a different viewpoint?"

When did I "play the man, not the ball"? I have argued over facts, logic and relevant and cogent argument, which you seem to have a problem with. That is not "playing the man". You seem to want to turn this into a personal issue, which is again an attempt to divert the discussion and to devalue my point, like the Twitter comment.


"... how about actually talking issues, sensibly and rationally? I have yet to read anything from you and a few others that even come close to concrete, workable poilcy solutions other than letting in millions of (extra) refugees without a care to the consequences" etc, etc.

I picked up what I thought was an important point from something you wrote and put the spotlight on it - a pretty important issue. Now you are cornered, you want to shift your ground and talk about something else.

Edited by FP on 07/03/2022 at 16:24

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Engineer Andy

"'Either you stand by what you said about the West being prepared to destroy Moscow and accept that this might mean a nuclear war, or you don't. Why is that complicated?'

If you have them, then you must be prepared to show enemies you'd use them. That doesn't mean they need a demonstration of them, more a big show of strength as Bush did to deter Putin."

So you're now saying you wouldn't be prepared to destroy Moscow.

Oh for Pete's sake. If you don't understand the difference, then I can't help you on this one.


"... you not actually discussing anything and 'playing the man, not the ball' all the time when someone has a different viewpoint?"

When did I "play the man, not the ball"? I have argued over facts, logic and relevant and cogent argument, which you seem to have a problem with. That is not "playing the man". You seem to want to turn this into a personal issue, which is again an attempt to divert the discussion and to devalue my point, like the Twitter comment.

You played the man because you don't put up any arguments as to what you'd do instead, but all you (and others) do is personally attack me for just having different views to whatever yours is, presumably because I'm conservative and you're not.


"... how about actually talking issues, sensibly and rationally? I have yet to read anything from you and a few others that even come close to concrete, workable poilcy solutions other than letting in millions of (extra) refugees without a care to the consequences" etc, etc.

I picked up what I thought was an important point from something you wrote and put the spotlight on it - a pretty important issue. Now you are cornered, you want to shift your ground and talk about something else.

Nope. I just want to discuss how to resolve the war in the Ukraine so that that sort of thing doesn't happen again, or at least for a very long time. That must include what mistakes have been made up until now and the reasons why, because without learning lessons from those mistakes, we're doomed to keep making them.

You appear to want to play politics and bicker. I suspect you and yours do that precisely because it its designed to put those on the other side of the political fence off from engaging in discussion - it's a very old left-wing tactic, one that some have employed (including on this website) a number of times.

How about putting forward what YOU would do? I'm more than happy to hear that and discuss the issues on their merits. The question is are you?

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Andrew-T

<< you don't put up any arguments as to what you'd do instead, but all you (and others) do is personally attack me for just having different views to whatever yours is, presumably because I'm conservative and you're not. >>

(to borrow a phrase) for Pete's sake, here we go talking about political sides again, as if that were the only significant factor in debating international issues. I suggest this particular one is rather bigger than that - it's more to do with realism, and just what might pragmatically work towards the least harmful outcome. I don't think starting serious sabre-rattling would have any beneficial effect on this Russian president.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Engineer Andy

<< you don't put up any arguments as to what you'd do instead, but all you (and others) do is personally attack me for just having different views to whatever yours is, presumably because I'm conservative and you're not. >>

(to borrow a phrase) for Pete's sake, here we go talking about political sides again, as if that were the only significant factor in debating international issues. I suggest this particular one is rather bigger than that - it's more to do with realism, and just what might pragmatically work towards the least harmful outcome. I don't think starting serious sabre-rattling would have any beneficial effect on this Russian president.

OK - what would then?

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Andrew-T

<< OK - what would then? >>

Exactly - that's why we (or the Ukrainians) are where we are at the moment.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - FP

"If you don't understand the difference, then I can't help you on this one."

You are trying to be patronising; this is not about my failing to understand anything. Either a country is prepared to back up threats or not. You have now retreated from saying the West needed to threaten to destroy Moscow and to be prepared to do it, to saying we just needed to make a "big show of strength". Why not say that at the outset? It now looks as if you posted something whose implications you didn't understand - which is why I picked you up on it. (As it happens, I think your revised view is probably correct.)

"You played the man because you don't put up any arguments as to what you'd do instead..." That is not an example of "playing the man".

"... all you (and others) do is personally attack me for just having different views to whatever yours is, presumably because I'm conservative and you're not."

Where are the personal attacks? You, personally, are not being attacked. Your comments and ideas are being attacked because they don't hold up. That is not personal.

"You appear to want to play politics and bicker. I suspect you and yours do that precisely because it its designed to put those on the other side of the political fence off from engaging in discussion - it's a very old left-wing tactic, one that some have employed (including on this website) a number of times."

Nope. I'm not really interested in politics. I'm not by any definition a left-winger. I am however very interested in facts, ideas and opinions and well-constructed argument. I note that, once again, you are trying to steer this discussion into irrelevant areas.

Edited by FP on 07/03/2022 at 18:12

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Engineer Andy

"If you don't understand the difference, then I can't help you on this one."

You are trying to be patronising; this is not about my failing to understand anything. Either a country is prepared to back up threats or not. You have now retreated from saying the West needed to threaten to destroy Moscow and to be prepared to do it, to saying we just needed to make a "big show of strength". Why not say that at the outset? It now looks as if you posted something whose implications you didn't understand - which is why I picked you up on it. (As it happens, I think your revised view is probably correct.)

"You played the man because you don't put up any arguments as to what you'd do instead..." That is not an example of "playing the man".

"... all you (and others) do is personally attack me for just having different views to whatever yours is, presumably because I'm conservative and you're not."

Where are the personal attacks? You, personally, are not being attacked. Your comments and ideas are being attacked because they don't hold up. That is not personal.

"You appear to want to play politics and bicker. I suspect you and yours do that precisely because it its designed to put those on the other side of the political fence off from engaging in discussion - it's a very old left-wing tactic, one that some have employed (including on this website) a number of times."

Nope. I'm not really interested in politics. I'm not by any definition a left-winger. I am however very interested in facts, ideas and opinions and well-constructed argument. I note that, once again, you are trying to steer this discussion into irrelevant areas.

((facepalm)) Wow. Just wow.

If you're interested in FACTS, please present some and actually put forward what you'd do in all this, rather than just rubbishing other people's ideas without anything to back it other than personal attacks - which, despite you denying doing, you've just done several times replying to me on this thread.

And, as per my reply to Andrew-T above, let's hear what you'd do in all thise to properly resolve it. I've said what I'd do (despite you preending I haven't and simultaneously saying I go into too much detail [it can't be both]) - how about you, rather than keep answering a question with a question or moaning.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - FP

"((facepalm)) Wow. Just wow."

I'm not sure what that is supposed to mean. Not much, possibly.

I'm still waiting for you to show what personal attacks have been made on you; you keep repeating the claim, but without justifying it.

"I've said what I'd do (despite you preending I haven't and simultaneously saying I go into too much detail [it can't be both])..."

That is simply untrue. I have not "pretended" you haven't said what you would do (though I have exposed your inconsistent thinking about it). I have not said you go into too much detail. I have said many of your posts (including some, though I'm glad to say not all) are rambling, and unnecessarily verbose.

At this point I really wonder whether you understand what you write and what you read - at least, that is the kindest way of putting it.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Engineer Andy

"((facepalm)) Wow. Just wow."

I'm not sure what that is supposed to mean. Not much, possibly.

I'm still waiting for you to show what personal attacks have been made on you; you keep repeating the claim, but without justifying it.

"I've said what I'd do (despite you preending I haven't and simultaneously saying I go into too much detail [it can't be both])..."

That is simply untrue. I have not "pretended" you haven't said what you would do (though I have exposed your inconsistent thinking about it). I have not said you go into too much detail. I have said many of your posts (including some, though I'm glad to say not all) are rambling, and unnecessarily verbose.

At this point I really wonder whether you understand what you write and what you read - at least, that is the kindest way of putting it.

So why are you here then, just to engage in petty personal and political points scoring? It's not as though you make much of a contribution to the motoring side of the forum, which, after all, is the main point of being here.

I asked you (and others) to put forward bona fide policies that might go some way to resolving this conflict, and yet all you do is just continually criticise what people who've done that and not say what you'd do instead.

Carping from the sidelines is easy. Saying what you'd do is hard. If you hadn't been so rude, people might've engaged positively with you in discussing the issues, but I just can't see anyone bothering now, because you don't appear to want to do this.

Good day.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Andrew-T

<< So why are you here then, just to engage in petty personal and political points scoring? >>

I can't help thinking that you and I have different concepts of what a 'political point' might be. This thread is about what is happening in Ukraine and what (if anything) the UK might do. That clearly has political aspects, but is mostly humanitarian. I reckon that only those on either end of the political 'spectrum' see it as a conflict mainly on that dimension. I'm a middle-roader and see it differently.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - FP

"So why are you here then, just to engage in petty personal and political points scoring? It's not as though you make much of a contribution to the motoring side of the forum, which, after all, is the main point of being here."

I've been here a lot longer than you have. You may wish to check the number of Ford radio codes I've supplied, for example. But I don't see what the "motoring side" has to do with anything, as the part of the forum that this thread appears in is non-motoring. I’m not engaged in political point-scoring – I’m simply following up a point you made; why you think the issue of the West being prepared to use force against Russia is petty I have no idea.

"I asked you (and others) to put forward bona fide policies that might go some way to resolving this conflict, and yet all you do is just continually criticise what people who've done that and not say what you'd do instead."

I picked you up on your appalling suggestion that the West should have been prepared to destroy Moscow and have followed through the resulting discussion concentrating on that. I have not continually criticised what people have put forward as alternatives - this is another of your distortions.

"Carping from the sidelines is easy. Saying what you'd do is hard. If you hadn't been so rude, people might've engaged positively with you in discussing the issues, but I just can't see anyone bothering now, because you don't appear to want to do this."

I haven't been rude, but I have been determined to challenge your unwillingness to deal directly with the issues that you have raised. It may surprise you, but I don't actually care very much what people think of what I post; I don't get personally involved; I write what I believe is right and people must make of it what they can.

However, this thread may have run its course and probably no-one will mind if the mods close it.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - groaver

Never mind, the genius ex-president has the answer:

"Meanwhile, the ex-president has floated the idea that US should the cover fighter planes with the Chinese flag and “bomb the s*** out of Russia”. During a speech to elite GOP donors on Saturday, Mr Trump said the country could “put the Chinese flag” on F-22s before attacking the country.

“And then we say, China did it, we didn’t do it, China did it and they start fighting with each other and we sit back and watch,” the former president said musing the audience, according to The Washington Post."

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - alan1302

Never mind, the genius ex-president has the answer:

"Meanwhile, the ex-president has floated the idea that US should the cover fighter planes with the Chinese flag and “bomb the s*** out of Russia”. During a speech to elite GOP donors on Saturday, Mr Trump said the country could “put the Chinese flag” on F-22s before attacking the country.

“And then we say, China did it, we didn’t do it, China did it and they start fighting with each other and we sit back and watch,” the former president said musing the audience, according to The Washington Post."

I think one deserves a face palm!

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Andrew-T

Never mind, the genius ex-president has the answer:

I think Trump should challenge Vlad to a judo match ....

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - groaver

A bare-chested horse ride across the Urals?

The horse would die of embarrassment and exhaustion from the wide load.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Xileno

The thread probably has run its course but while it stays polite we are happy to let it run. It's better these subjects are kept in this forum than the Motoring one, where we need to keep things close to motoring. People can dip in and out (or avoid!) at their wish. Threads often just burn themselves out.

Perhaps the thread can can head in a different direction. This looks interesting, I will certainly be tuning in later.

(Zelensky to address the Commons later today)

Can't help admiring the bloke, what a leader in such dire times.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Andrew-T

(Zelensky to address the Commons later today)

Can't help admiring the bloke, what a leader in such dire times.

I can't help wondering where he is, as the assassins clearly haven't found him yet, and he seems to be able to maintain comms too.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Engineer Andy

(Zelensky to address the Commons later today)

Can't help admiring the bloke, what a leader in such dire times.

I can't help wondering where he is, as the assassins clearly haven't found him yet, and he seems to be able to maintain comms too.

I'm sure that the assassins are as well. :-)

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Morenish

A neighbour told me that local Councils are accepting donations of supplies for the people of Ukraine.

I in turn posted this message on my forum, TALKFORD and was subsequently banned by a super moderator, who said this was political.
I argued that whether it is or not, these are exceptional circumstances. It didn’t matter. If this is wrong then I happily accept that I am guilty as charged.

Forgive me, but I strongly feel that this needs to be known. I wear my heart on my sleeve and passionately feel that these people should be helped in any way possible. Babies, children, elderly, their lives, wiped out. Their heroic men, fighting and dying for their families, for their Country, for their future, for their very existence.

I understand the possible consequences if we or fellow NATO Countries physically intervene, but...if we are supplying weapons, why not aircrafts?

I applaud this forum and I thank you for letting me have my say.
Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - alan1302
I understand the possible consequences if we or fellow NATO Countries physically intervene, but...if we are supplying weapons, why not aircrafts? I applaud this forum and I thank you for letting me have my say.

Aircraft are seen as attacking weaponry and not as a defensive which is what all the weapons that the West have been sending are.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Morenish
It could be argued,, for example, that anti tank weapons can be used for attacking the columns of Russian tanks, before they reach there target destination. Machine guns and other personal weapons can be used for attack to retake areas, previously lost.

Aircrafts can be used within their airspace to defend their homeland from enemy aircraft, bombing and rocket attacks.
Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - sammy1

"""Aircraft are seen as attacking weaponry and not as a defensive which is what all the weapons that the West have been sending are."""

Sorry I cannot see the logic of this. If Russia has invaded Ukraine and aircraft fly against the invaders within the Ukraine borders how is this not defensive. In any case the Ukraine is at war so I would think that attacking Russia wherever is legitimate. Why should the Ukraine have to fight with one hand behind its back. Russia throughout this conflict has bullied the rest of the world who seem afraid to say boo to them

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - FP

"Russia throughout this conflict has bullied the rest of the world who seem afraid to say boo to them"

No it hasn't - you're getting carried away.

The West/NATO is rightly cautious about getting directly involved with hostilities against Russia. Supplying defensive weapons (tank-busting shells seems to have been particularly effective) is a long way off supplying aircraft which could be deployed in many ways - for example, in a raid against Russian territory.

It's a pity that the usual suspects in knee-jerk journalism (e.g. the Daily Express) have encouraged a simplistic reaction among less well-informed members of the public who are unaware of the nuances of the situation in Eastern Europe.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Xileno

I strongly recommend the short Youtube video I posted upthread, Portillo gives some very interesting historical context and whether by not extending Article 5 to Ukraine the West was somehow suggesting it was different. Only his view of course, others may disagree.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - sammy1

"""""Russia throughout this conflict has bullied the rest of the world who seem afraid to say boo to them"

No it hasn't - you're getting carried away.

AM I I agree that NATO and the West exercising caution particularly with the nuclear threat but this is how WW2 started The rest of the world ignoring the German invasion despite the knowledge of WW1. What makes us believe that Russia will stop at Ukraine. What is going on is hard to stomach for most of the free world and just how much more will we tolerate?

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - FP

"... this is how WW2 started The rest of the world ignoring the German invasion despite the knowledge of WW1."

One of the reasons the Allies were reluctant to declare war on Germany was the very fact that WW1 was fresh in people's minds. After the appalling slaughter politicians and people in general could not believe another European conflict was on the horizon.

"What makes us believe that Russia will stop at Ukraine."

If Russian attacks a NATO country that is a whole different situation. Remember that Russia's gripe with Ukraine was its wish to join NATO; they invaded before that happened. That is also why Russia has a particular gripe with Ukraine; had it joined NATO that in effect would have brought the West to its doorstep. I don't see any other likely target for Russia and in any case its military capability seems to have taken a terrible blow.

"What is going on is hard to stomach for most of the free world and just how much more will we tolerate?"

I'm not going to say much about this, because it raises the whole complex issue of when a country, or an alliance, should get involved in other countries' business if they aren't directly threatened themselves.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Morenish
I give you an example - The Battle of Britain.

We had to defend and maintain our airspace, to stop operation Sealion.

If we lost, then perhaps, we would not be having this conversation.
Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Xileno

"What makes us believe that Russia will stop at Ukraine"

None of us can be sure of what's going on inside Putin's mind but I think going further than Ukraine is not on his Agenda given that his actions so far have achieved the opposite to what he intended. He hoped to split NATO/West, but it's had the opposite effect. If he does go further then that changes everything since NATO will have to intervene, if for example he goes into Poland.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Morenish
This war has caused sadness, heartbreak, anger and pain, but I did smile the other day, having read that Elon Musk had challenged putin to a duel.
Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Andrew-T

None of us can be sure of what's going on inside Putin's mind but I think going further than Ukraine is not on his Agenda given that his actions so far have achieved the opposite to what he intended. He hoped to split NATO/West, but it's had the opposite effect.

After reading today's reports of the atrocities being perpetrated around Kyiv, I think that it won't take much longer for 'Russia' to be regarded by the rest of the world in much the same way as Nazi Germany or Japan was in 1946. Putin seems not to care if his country becomes a global pariah. Any messages that emerge are either blatant lies or ludicrous excuses. The sooner an internal coup gets to him, the better.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Bromptonaut
I give you an example - The Battle of Britain. We had to defend and maintain our airspace, to stop operation Sealion. If we lost, then perhaps, we would not be having this conversation.

The UK was directly threatened. We were under attack by Germany from airfields in France, a country they had overrun.

Goering's aim was to take out the RAF's fighters. He very nearly succeeded. Turning on London rather than continuing to take out 11 Groups bases was his big error.

Whether Operation Sealion could actually have succeeded is very much an open question. Some historians say it was contemplated rather than planned. The Dover straight is a fast flowing tidal waterway. Crossing it in flat bottomed towed barges just as the Autumn weather systems arrive would have required immense luck.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Brit_in_Germany

Flat-bottomed inflateables don't seem to have a problem making the crossing.

Children, born & unborn. - Ukraine - Bromptonaut

Flat-bottomed inflateables don't seem to have a problem making the crossing.

Singly, mostly on days when it's flat calm and not under attack.

Not have a problem is a bit of a stretch too:

Even those picked up by Border Force or RNLI are in a pretty grim state; saw such in incident on the RNLI 'fly on the wall' TV prog. Even young men didn't look fit to storm ashore.