Peugeot 308 - protected no claims - SULLY

My insurer has increased the renewal premium by 280%, I made one claim in the previous year. I have maximum protected NCD. I questioned the increase and asked for proof that the full discount has been applied. The insurer will not disclose this, saying that it is sensitive business information. Since I have paid an additional amount for the so called protected discount, do I not have the right to see that it has been provided?

If not, it seems to me that the policy extra is being mis-sold and has no benefit to the customer whatsoever.

Peugeot 308 - protected no claims - Engineer Andy

From what I recall from a previous discussion on the forum about this type of issue, what the insurers will claim is that they will have 'reviewed' (upwards) your 'starting premium' but still applied the full 'no claims' reduction in line with your one claim not breaching the protected bonus rules (e.g. 2 claims in three years - yours may be different).

I had a similar event many, many years ago (admittedly the increase wasn't anything like what you face) and was given a similar response. Note that this time around, you also have the added pain of premiums generally rising to (IMHO) 'fund' insurers' inflationary costs and to some extent offset actual and potential high value claims for newer cars, especially for EVs.

Whilst EV owners (especially the higher valued ones) will bear most of the brunt, ICE car owners costs will increase through their fault claims being a lot more expensive. The same goes (though to a lesser extent) most modern cars, where they may be safer, but much more expensive to repair, especially on relatively minor accidents. All that extra gizmos to replace, expensive paint jobs, etc, etc. We're all getting dragged into this.

Insurance premiums generally (not just motoring) have gone up quite a bit since the start of the pandemic.

Was your claim a fault one on your side? If so, that may have been a big factor in them 're-evaluating' your risk. Sometimes that can be your general circumstances changing, just moving home, an insurer backing out of a type of person they wish to insure (by pricing people to move provider) or from one age bracket to another. This often applies to older drivers as they hit the 75 year old mark, as it did with my parents.

Even so, I'd shop around for alternative quotes (including on comparison websites) which may come in at much nearer (though likely still above) last year's one from your existing insurer. I suspect several factors are at play in your case.

Peugeot 308 - protected no claims - leaseman

In my many (55+) years experience of discussing premium increases with clients and friends and my own renewals, Protected NCD additions are a total con-trick and not worth the paper that they are no longer printed on. I totally agree with your sentiments OP, but have little hope that your fighting back will prove profitable. Motor insurance premiums are, and always have been, a mystery wrapped in an enigma, for which there is no logical solution. Follow Andy's advice, and vote with your cash. Good Luck.

leaseman (Mod)

Peugeot 308 - protected no claims - Brit_in_Germany

They are trying to get the money they paid out back. Try other insurers to see if you can get a better deal. Insurers are there to make money and will try anything to ensure that objective is achieved.

Peugeot 308 - protected no claims - gordonbennet

You still have your intact (one life lost) NCD, so search and find a better quote giving all the nesessary details.

I'd be interested to know which company this is, and what sort of losses or prosecutions? resulted from the incident because the increase seems almost punitive as if they're trying to lose you as a customer.

Peugeot 308 - protected no claims - bathtub tom

"protected" no claims bonus is just that. Nothing to say they can't increase the premium!