Toyota Yaris - upgrade/change to bigger/newer car - Beaglelady

I have a 2011 Toyota Yaris, she has done 42,000 miles and is bullet proof- passes her MOT and I have not needed to spend much on her in the three years that I have had her.However she is getting old I am worried she will need more expensive repairs etc, it is a bit small- I have a toddler now, a dog, I do only 1-2K miles a year so not a lot of miles. It lacks power- up hills etc and just feels a bit tired now.

I am thinking about possibly replacing her for something newer,bigger, with a few more mod cons- I would like something very reliable, economical and preferably an automatic.

I would like to spend around £10,000 max but could push slightly higher for a car that I will have for a long time.

I appreciate the suggestions

Toyota Yaris - upgrade/change to bigger/newer car - Xileno

Some suggestions already given

Toyota Yaris - upgrade/change to bigger/newer car - badbusdriver

If you want a bigger and more powerful car with an automatic gearbox, fair enough. But no reason to think or fear that anything is going to go wrong on your Yaris. With regular servicing and assuming no rust related issues creeping up, it will keep going till the world ends!. With only 42k miles, it certainly shouldn't be feeling tired, perhaps it just needs an Italian tune-up (you or someone else take it out for a good thrashing!)

But with such a small annual mileage, surely electric is worth considering even if you can't charge at home?. £10k is enough to get into a Nissan Leaf as young as 2020. The 40kWh model should do at least 100 miles in the depths of winter going up to circa 150miles in the summer. Also should be plenty of space for your needs.

Toyota Yaris - upgrade/change to bigger/newer car - John F

.... no reason to think or fear that anything is going to go wrong on your Yaris. With regular servicing and assuming no rust related issues creeping up, it will keep going till the world ends!. With only 42k miles, it certainly shouldn't be feeling tired, perhaps it just needs an Italian tune-up (you or someone else take it out for a good thrashing!)

My thoughts entirely - make sure it is fully warmed up before you take it up to the red line a few times (have Yaris's got rev limiters?). 42K presumably fairly gentle miles is barely run in. The main task will be halting any corrosion, especially if it has lived outside.

Toyota Yaris - upgrade/change to bigger/newer car - bathtub tom

have Yaris's got rev limiters?

My '14 reg 1.3 petrol will do an indicated 80MPH in third as it hits the rev limiter - with three more gears to go!