What has happened to Honest John - Steveieb

Really miss HJ s weekly column in the Saturday Telegraph and I still have a copy of his “ Motoring Answers”

But is anyone still in touch with him since he retired to Thailand where he was driving round in his Honda Fit ?

What has happened to Honest John - Orb>>

I heard from him a couple of times after the transfer of powers (from a different email address.

I think there is some sort of agreement where he leaves the site alone.

I don't know how old this article is


What has happened to Honest John - FP

I've done some trawling of the internet.

HJ/Peter Lorimer seems to have kept a low profile since the HJ website was bought out in 2020. At that point he was described as aged 71 and based in Peterborough.

His connection with Thailand was well known.

On social media he states he got married in 2023 to a lady who seems to be from Thailand, to judge from her name and appearance, and is living in Weybridge.

What has happened to Honest John - expat

I've done some trawling of the internet.

HJ/Peter Lorimer seems to have kept a low profile since the HJ website was bought out in 2020. At that point he was described as aged 71 and based in Peterborough.

His connection with Thailand was well known.

On social media he states he got married in 2023 to a lady who seems to be from Thailand, to judge from her name and appearance, and is living in Weybridge.

Good for him. I hope he continues to have a happy retirement. His motoring information has been hugely useful to a great many people.

What has happened to Honest John - Steveieb

HJ was the first to alert us about problems with diesel cars that were fitted with DPF s being used for stop start motoring.

Also ride problems with tyres that are less than ,55 profile

What has happened to Honest John - gordonbennet

I enjoyed HJ's car reviews, like 99% of us he wasn't obsessed with 'handling' or acceleration figures.

He had ideas some of us disagreed with, ie left foot braking which he was keen on.

Hope retirement and life in general goes well for him.

What has happened to Honest John - skidpan

HJ was the first to alert us about problems with diesel cars that were fitted with DPF s being used for stop start motoring.

Also ride problems with tyres that are less than ,55 profile

And still people buy diesels and cars with less than 55 profile tyres.

He had ideas some of us disagreed with, ie left foot braking which he was keen on

One of the most dangerous things to do. Have witnessed several accidents where this was the cause.

What has happened to Honest John - John F

.He had ideas some of us disagreed with, ie left foot braking.....

....and changing the engine oil every 365 days, no matter what the mileage. I challenged this irrational dogma many years ago - and received considerable vituperation for doing so.

What has happened to Honest John - badbusdriver

He had ideas some of us disagreed with, ie left foot braking which he was keen on

One of the most dangerous things to do. Have witnessed several accidents where this was the cause.

Were you the investigating officer?.

Otherwise, I'm wondering how/why you came to be informed what caused these accidents?