Coronavirus: Can I still drive my car during England's lockdown?

Published 02 November 2020

Motorists will still be able to drive their cars despite England heading into its second national lockdown during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Boris Johnson announced this weekend that the country will be going into lockdown from the 5 November in order to stem the rising amount of coronavirus cases across England.

However, there are a number of ways in which the second lockdown is less strict than the last one, which came into force in March 2020. While government guidance says you should stay at home if you can, there are numerous valid reasons for going out.

These range from going to work (if you can't work from home) to visiting vulnerable family members, carrying out essential shopping or taking your children to school.

As such, police aren't expected to carry out random spot checks on vehicles - something which led to them being criticised for their heavy-handed approach during the last lockdown.

It's important to note, though, that this only applies to England - there are different rules in Wales and Scotland and you could be breaking rules by crossing borders.

If you need to travel, the government suggests you should walk or cycle where possible. If you need to use public transport, you should plan ahead to avoid busy times.

When driving, you should plan your route in advance including breaks. Motorway service stations will remain open for essential services but you'll need to follow socially distancing rules and wear a mask (unless you're exempt). Many shops and restaurants within motorway services will be closed.

You should only travel in a car with people from within your household or support bubble. If you do need to car share, you can reduce the risk of transmission by opening the windows, travelling in the seat behind other people and wearing a face covering. 

While car breakdown firms like the AA, RAC and Green Flag will continue to operate, it's important to make sure your car is roadworthy before setting off. This is especially true if your car hasn't been used for a long period - check the lights and tyres as well as your oil and fuel levels.


SCSmith    on 2 November 2020

Many outlets in motorway & other services only offer takeaway food, and others sell drinks & snacks. Will these all be closed, even though they are 'takeaway' and drinks are 'essential'?

JJFranco    on 3 November 2020

".....police aren't expected to carry out random spot checks...."
Especially if you're called Dominic Cummings. **** OFF!

   on 3 November 2020

To avoid cabin fever my wife and I used to drive to local beauty spots and not get out of the car. We would sit there for 20 minutes.with flask of tea. Then drive home. We never travelled more than 10 miles. Because we both shielded it was the only way we stayed sane.

VINCENT MILLARD    on 3 November 2020

To avoid cabin fever my wife and I used to drive to local beauty spots and not get out of the car. We would sit there for 20 minutes.with flask of tea. Then drive home. We never travelled more than 10 miles. Because we both shielded it was the only way we stayed sane.

Excellent. I found myself explaining this to some of my Neighbours, last time round.

Just take precautions, and be careful!

hissingsid    on 3 November 2020

During the spring lockdown there was never any justification for preventing people from taking their cars for a drive and returning home without ever getting out.

To prevent my classic car from deteriorating for lack of use, I drove it on essential errands to the pharmacy, the post office and the supermarket. I will continue to do so whenever the weather allows.

VINCENT MILLARD    on 3 November 2020

During the spring lockdown there was never any justification for preventing people from taking their cars for a drive and returning home without ever getting out. To prevent my classic car from deteriorating for lack of use, I drove it on essential errands to the pharmacy, the post office and the supermarket. I will continue to do so whenever the weather allows.

Again, an excellent Idea.

There is no problem whilst in the car, it's what you may do when you get out of it! If you are on essential runs, the car is the safest way to do the job, especially if you live in the middle of the Countryside.

By the way, I'm in one of the lowest Districts in England and I support the Lockdown!

Jeff Huyton    on 3 November 2020

So - can we go for a drive together as we are married and get out to do some exercise, mainly on a very wide path on a promenade?

GingerTom    on 5 November 2020

"By the way, I'm in one of the lowest Districts in England and I support the Lockdown!"

Vincent, I am guessing you are retired and relying on thousands of others to continue working to keep you nice and warm, fed and watered and able to continue watching TV whilst surfing the internet etc. Please remember that the lockdown is selective. Covid isn't. The ones who support it tend to be the least affected.

gavsmit    on 6 November 2020

People going out for a drive because they are bored and not getting out of their cars are still taking a risk for themselves and others.

What if you break down somewhere? What if you have an accident? Both those will involve other people that have no choice but to help you - then the justification of being bored doesn't seem so important.

Miniman777    on 11 November 2020

Boredom, as you raise it, can and does affect mental health, and going somewhere can genuinely help a persons MH. Do you really expect people to stay in every day during Lockdown and suffer cabin fever?

Everyone has to make a judgment based on their own family/individual circumstances on whether they feel comfortable leaving home and yes there may be a risk of breakdown or accident, but are the risks any less or greater before Lockdown 2?

whatdoiknow    on 11 November 2020

Many outlets in motorway & other services only offer takeaway food, and others sell drinks & snacks. Will these all be closed, even though they are 'takeaway' and drinks are 'essential'?

I work for a professional football club on match days and had to travel down the A1 last Saturday and stopped at Peterborough Services and some outlets were open such as Costa Coffee, McDonalds and KFC. The toilets were also open. We stopped on the way down and back up in the evening and there weren't really that many people in there, plenty of room to sit and eat/rest and socially distance. :-)

Stuart Challinor    on 22 November 2020

Please, please, please, can we stop using the term "social distance" and use the more meaningful expression "safe distance"?
Perhaps this will help people to understand why they should stay a safe distance away from other people!

AName    on 22 December 2020

This article sums up the current stare of the HJ website. It's dated 2nd November and it's still on the front page on 22nd December when things have moved on a bit.

Tenchman7    on 20 February 2021

Tumbleweed blowing throughout the site !!

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