10 things you need to know about the road tax changes

On 1 October 2014 the paper tax disc will be phased out and there are a few changes to wrap your head around, whether you’re buying or selling a car - new or used. To make life easier, we have listed 10 of the most important things you need to know. 

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But you still have to pay

So you no longer have to display a tax disc. Why bother paying then? Well you’re not going to get away with it that easily – the police can already tell whether your car is taxed or not by checking the registration against a database. ANPR cameras will also be increased as the law steps up its chase for cars that are untaxed.

The DVLA will also carry out automatic checks via its electronic database. If you have not made SORN or taxed your car, an automatic penalty of £80 will apply. 


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