Christmas Gift Guide: Top 10 dream gifts for petrolheads

If you’re fortunate to have lots and lots of money to spend on gifts, then you probably don’t need a guide to help you pick – but we’ve written one anyway. Because for everyone else, it’s nice to dream. Here’s our top 10, money-no-object ideas for Christmas 2018.

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Hummingbird folding bicycle - £3500

If you ever travel in London you’ll have seen the ubiquitous Brompton folding bicycle. A decent one of those is £1000 and it weighs roughly the same as a medium-sized anvil. The Hummingbird, on the other hand, is made of carbon fibre and is so light it might float off if you don’t tie it down.

Actually, not quite – it’s 6.9kg versus around 10kg for a Brompton. But still, that’s pretty significant for something you carry as much as you ride it. And its lightweight construction means it’s easier to ride than a Brompton too. Shame it costs £3500 – or more if you want the luxury of gears.

Buy from Hummingbird


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