Christmas Gift Guide: Top 10 dream gifts for petrolheads

If you’re fortunate to have lots and lots of money to spend on gifts, then you probably don’t need a guide to help you pick – but we’ve written one anyway. Because for everyone else, it’s nice to dream. Here’s our top 10, money-no-object ideas for Christmas 2018.

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Toylander – £3921

This beautiful, miniature Land Rover costs almost as much as a full-sized 4x4 (albeit a second hand, not very good one). But can a six-year old drive a real, full-sized SUV? No. Not very safely, anyway… The Toylander is a small, electrically-powered replica of a Series 1 Land Rover, which runs and drives.

The price above is for a fully-built model, but for around £1500 you can buy the car in kit form and put it together yourself. Which, depending on how good at DIY you are, will sound like an amazing adventure or a complete and total nightmare. 

Buy one from Toylander


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