Top 10: TV car adverts

With a crowded market and millions of pounds in sales at stake, car manufacturers set aside vast budgets to make sure their adverts jump out of the TV set. It doesn’t always work, but when it does the results are spectacular. Here are ten of the best car TV adverts ever, as chosen by us. Obviously there are many more, so let us know your favourites if you don’t see them here.

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Audi R8 V10 Plus - Exhausts

One for true car lovers, this artistically shot R8 V10 advert from 2013 is the antithesis of, say, the reality-masking excess of Peugeot’s adverts. Starting at the front of an R8 V10, it slowly pans backwards to reveal an exposed engine bay with the ten-cylinder engine running at full pelt. Complete with noisy exhausts. If you get it, it’s majestic. If not, it’s just a noise.