Top 10: TV car adverts

With a crowded market and millions of pounds in sales at stake, car manufacturers set aside vast budgets to make sure their adverts jump out of the TV set. It doesn’t always work, but when it does the results are spectacular. Here are ten of the best car TV adverts ever, as chosen by us. Obviously there are many more, so let us know your favourites if you don’t see them here.

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Fiat Strada - Handbuilt by robots

Basically an epic factory tour, Fiat’s 1979 Handbuilt by Robots advert was most famous for its rousing music – Figaro’s Aria from The Barber of Seville. But, in the context of the late 1970s, it was an amazing sight to see a car being built from scratch like that on a fully automated assembly line. Not that it did Strada sales much good...